Deafmetal USA
Anillo de Seguridad Simple en Plata u Oro Microplacado
Anillo de Seguridad Simple en Plata u Oro Microplacado
Mantenga los audífonos asegurados con retención adicional: al agacharse o cepillarse el cabello, los audífonos pueden desprenderse. Mantenga los dispositivos auditivos asegurados con nuestros sencillos anillos de seguridad: ¡no es necesario perforar!
Fácil de usar: simplemente deslice nuestra funda de silicona universal sobre su dispositivo auditivo y pase el anillo de seguridad a través del orificio en la parte inferior de la funda. Luego, coloque el audífono en la oreja y coloque suavemente el manguito en el lóbulo de la oreja. El manguito se puede ensanchar o pellizcar suavemente para ajustarlo.
La funda patentada Deafmetal USA se vende por separado y deberá comprarse junto con el anillo de seguridad para poder usarla.
Cada joya de Deafmetal USA se vende en una sola pieza, ya que algunas personas solo usan un dispositivo auditivo.
Very nice, although it occasionally will come off.
Love my silver safety ring! Will definitely be ordering from this company again!!
I really loved these! I wear hearing aids in both ears and these look really beautiful when I wear my hair up. An added bonus is, it helps my hearing aids stay behind my ears when I wear glasses or a face mask.
I really like the single safety rings that I purchased. My hair was getting caught and pulling my hearing aids out. I was afraid i was going to lose them. They give me an extra feeling of security and they look good. It does take a little time to master them, but I’m now to the point where I don’t use a mirror. I will definitely order another pair!
Only worn once
Very nice, although it occasionally will come off.
Love my silver safety ring! Will definitely be ordering from this company again!!
I really loved these! I wear hearing aids in both ears and these look really beautiful when I wear my hair up. An added bonus is, it helps my hearing aids stay behind my ears when I wear glasses or a face mask.
I really like the single safety rings that I purchased. My hair was getting caught and pulling my hearing aids out. I was afraid i was going to lose them. They give me an extra feeling of security and they look good. It does take a little time to master them, but I’m now to the point where I don’t use a mirror. I will definitely order another pair!
Only worn once